La Thames Water rischia di rimanere indietro sul cruciale aumento di capitale, avvertono i potenziali investitori

di F0urLeafCl0ver


  1. High-Tom-Titty on

    Fuck it. Give all the shareholders 50p a share like Astra Space did with me, and have the government take it over. Not that I think they can do a better job, but water shouldn’t be for profit.

  2. TurbsUK18 on

    Failed to reinvest profits into their assets, and now no one will reinvest because it’s a poor investment.

    Sounds like self destruction, and they only have themselves to blame. What now, they expect the tax payer to pick up the pieces.

  3. andymaclean19 on

    This is actually great news. They have run their company badly, run up to much debt, extracted too much proffit and under-invested in infrastructure. Now they cannot get anyone to invest any more. Essentially we got to the bottom of the pyramid scheme.

    So the value of the company will be very low. We can nationalise it cheap, write off the debt (the people who were dumb enough to lend a water company 19billion had the opportunity to invest and keep their debt alive) and then we can start again.

    Tl;dr nobody invests then we nationalise it cheap and the existing stakeholders lose their investments.

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