Allora perché questo è accettabile? Soprattutto nel cortile di una scuola elementare. C’erano tutti i tipi di plastica gettata lì dentro. Alcune materie plastiche emettono gas tossici quando bruciano, un’ottima idea accanto a un parco giochi spesso pieno di bambini piccoli. Non riesco a capire perché questa pratica sia anche lontanamente accettabile.

di dllma70


  1. badger-biscuits on

    See there are these things called people

    And these people are cunts

    And cunts do cunty things

    Because they’re cunts

    And there’s no cure for it

  2. Classic_Process8213 on

    My uncle used to burn all of his rubbish inside his tiny flat instead of paying bin charges (even when he was on the dole). Some people will really just cut off their nose to spite their face

  3. Ambitious_Bill_7991 on

    The answer is idiots. They’re everywhere. Chances are they contribute nothing positive to society.

    We shouldn’t tolerate it for a second. Like everything else in Ireland, the law is there. It’s just not enforced.

  4. Sea_Instance3391 on

    Sounds like someone doesn’t know how fun playing in a pile of ashes can be.

  5. dropthecoin on

    Because some people are awful. That’s about the size of it.

    I’m surprised people haven’t arrived to claim that the people who did this weren’t wrong and how it’s the government’s fault.

  6. AdamOfIzalith on

    Anti-social behaviour is a symptom of the problems in ireland. People have no intrinsic connection to their communities nor to the world around them because the systems that exist are not made to see them succeed, they are made to see them conform and turn someone a profit somewhere.

    Look at teenagers as a good example. They have no community based activities, no engagement programmes, no third spaces and nothing to do unless they are willing to part with money. You could argue that there are clubs but for the most part either these clubs are private clubs that require personal investment or they are public but the scope of them is incredibly limited. They can do nothing unless it’s of profit to others on the whole. Loitering is either frowned upon or not allowed in alot of places. The only thing that teenagers can do these days is maybe play videogames or dick around on a green somewhere. They are told regularly that they are a burden unless they get a part time job or engage in the education system which has had diminishing returns as time has gone on and more and more excuses are made on behalf of the educational institutions. All of that is happening while they are being shown by the adults who are out drinking on their nights out, absolutely exhausted from shits jobs for shit pay. For kids who don’t have money, all of that culminates in this; Kids setting up random fires, dicking around and probably gatting. Plenty of people on here won’t admit it but they did the exact same shit. Maybe not on a green like this, maybe they did but this is not a new problem at all.

    These things don’t just happen because of successive personal or moral failings by kids or even adults. These things happen regularly as a symptom of Irish Social Policy going back decades. We don’t need gardaí patrolling all the time. We were hardly safer back when all the barracks were full. What we need is competent social policy that starts with the youngest kids and sees them develop into happy and fulfilled people who don’t need to set up bonfires to get their kicks.

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