Cara comunità Reddit, sabato abbiamo raccolto verdure per i militari nei villaggi vicini per fornire cibo ai soldati! Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno risposto e hanno donato carburante per il loro trasporto!!!

di CF_Siveryany


  1. CF_Siveryany on

    Dear Reddit community, on Saturday morning I asked for your help to buy fuel to pick vegetables. Immediately after I made the post, the boys and I went to the neighbouring villages. I hadn’t been there since last spring (we were picking vegetables for the people of Kherson region) and since then the communication situation there has deteriorated a lot, I have two mobile phone operators but no internet, only poor connection. We were on the road all day because we had to deliver these vegetables to a volunteer centre in a neighbouring town. Since I hadn’t managed to raise the money to buy the drone on Friday, I didn’t really count on fuel this time either. In addition, I couldn’t check all the time whether we had enough money in the account, so I asked a local businessman for support with fuel. So I checked the account only in the evening. I was shocked to see that we had raised about $650 instead of $150. I decided to make a general post thanking everyone who joined in, but due to a bad connection, this post was not published. Then I decided to try again, but by this time Shahed had hit the electricity substation that serves my village. I was really hoping that nothing bad would happen if I didn’t stop collecting, because news feeds change quickly. And so, during yesterday, another $110 was added. Today I came to work and spent the whole day trying to publish the report. Reddit didn’t want to upload it because it was a lot of fhoto, and I simply didn’t have time to make personalised thank you notes.
    So why did I write this huge text? Only to say that I was saving $150 for fuel, and it turned out to be $760, of which I did not spend anything for the intended purpose. Do I regret that it happened? To be honest, no, because I always have a queue with the needs of the military, and I will report you how I’ll spend them. I would just like to say that I am extremely impressed with your support. I did not expect to receive such an amount, because every month it is more and more difficult to close the collection. I want to say extremely grateful for Koen (happy birthday Julian !!!) , Martin, Pamela, Jeremy, Olaf, James Travis, Ian, Esther, Alex Joni, Lauri, who support us on Sunday, Riley, The Tonic, and Maxime and of course to Kent (but I think it’s amount for any needs, not for fuel:)
    The whole world is tired of the war in Ukraine and the need to support us. In Ukraine itself, the population has become very poor over the past three years, many people have gone abroad, many have been killed, many are at war, and it turns out that the collections are much slower than before. In addition, there is a crop failure in my region. There has been a drought for the last two months. This does not mean that people have nothing to eat, it just means that they have nothing to share. So, based on previous years, I ordered a truck for 20 tonnes, but we collected less than 7 tonnes, and this is despite the fact that we visited more villages. That is, if people used to give extra, now they just share what they have.
    Perhaps I have been unable to write to you for so long that I am writing more than necessary, but I simply do not know how else to express my gratitude. I want to give you all a big hug 🙂

  2. LondonKiwi1980 on

    Feel free to use my donation for anything you want! ❤️

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