Il taccheggiatore più prolifico della Gran Bretagna sarà rilasciato lunedì dal carcere dopo la 172esima condanna

di One_Psychology_


  1. WynterRayne on

    Every Liddle Helps (herself).

    Ok I’m proud of that one. I was going to go for the rather more obvious play on Lidl, but I couldn’t really think of one.

  2. Fred_Blogs on

    Seeing as shoplifting is legal for all practical purposes, what’s the actual incentive to try and be honest. I could save thousands by just stealing my groceries.

    It’s not like we have any social structure left to apply social shame as disincentive.

  3. PartTimeMancunian on

    Horrific person. She needs locking up while she detoxes completely.

  4. “Liddle has a reputation within her community for using drugs, including heroin and cocaine, according to a social worker who has worked with Liddle.”
    Social worker: Confidentiality be damned!

  5. Professional_Ask159 on

    Anyone got her number? Fancy some cheap designer pieces

  6. bluecheese2040 on

    3 strikes and your out….or in the case of the UK 172nd strike and you’re free.

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