Qualcuno può nominare questo cibo che è stato servito in ospedale? Si trattava di carne macinata con pomodoro e altre cose in una base di pasta, mi chiedevo se fosse un piatto lettone?



di adthorn


  1. Voidwielder on

    its called ”whateverwehadinthefridgewethrewontheplate”

  2. gg_simplestuff on

    Are you sure it is in the hospital? When I was there for a while, there was no meat only porridges.

  3. genericneim on

    Oh, that’s the Mystery meal. Chefs randomly pick ingredients and randomly prepare a dish. You got lucky they didn’t make a soup out of this.

  4. Little-Document357 on

    Sour cream, something pancake looking, topping is .mystery, looks like ground meet, tomatoes, carrots but than again it also looks like burnt walnuts or raisins…hmm never seen this before!

  5. my guess, its mashed potatoes baked with fried onions and pork/bacon

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