Appello per 2.000 donazioni di sangue nelle prossime quattro settimane

di LucyVialli


  1. LucyVialli on

    Please consider donating, if you can. It doesn’t take long, and it really helps. And if we run short, we have to go beg from the neighbours.

  2. All the blood clinics are run by sexy vampires in sexy leathers, don’t believe me go see for yourself.

  3. Difficult-Set-3151 on

    I seen once that we were the largest exporter of blood in the world. Presumably that means we have loads of people donating?

  4. MambyPamby8 on

    I always love the idea of giving blood but due to low blood pressure, I suffer with dizziness and fainting spells. Apparently it’s deemed not safe for me to donate – i.e. my blood is more than welcome just for my own safety they can’t take it. Would love to be able to give blood though. Always say I’ll do it but then I looked it up and they won’t let me if I’m prone to dizzy spells or fainting. 😫

  5. maybebaby83 on

    Do they ever do weekend donations? I’d love to donate again but work makes it very difficult to get in during the week.

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