I laburisti hanno un solo punto di vantaggio sui conservatori estromessi, secondo un nuovo sondaggio


di JayR_97


  1. Greenawayer on

    Yes, but sweety, opinion polls don’t reflect the views of the real voters.

  2. Copacacapybarargh on

    Unsurprising really, they’ve already targeted disabled people (some of the most vulnerable demographic) and seem to be operating on a Tory basis to gain favour with funders. People voted because they wanted a Labour party, not this shitshow. Having said that, a lot of the current furore probably comes from well-off pensioners with an entitlement problem.

  3. rogerrongway on

    There is no viable party to vote for in the UK. Instead of voting Reform, people voted Labour just because it’s not Tory. What did people expect? Granted, a Reform win, would have been akin to putting Liz and Kwasi on every single ministerial post. Imagine the FTSE plunge.

  4. The_Titan1995 on

    Well, we’ve had them in charge in Wales for quite a while, so this is of little surprise.

  5. Alundra828 on

    I’m all for Labour being unpopular tbh. They need to slash and burn, make hay while the sun shines.

    The winter fuel allowance was supposed to be a softball to test the waters, and they’ve royally fucked it up imo, letting detractors make it a much bigger deal than it really is. And the clothes scandal is just a massive own goal that was utterly avoidable almost to the point where I suspect the thrill of getting caught is borderline fetishist for Starmer it was so blatant. They’ve got time to shape up. They can be a shamble of a party all they like in terms of “honour”, but they need to use their majority to at least steer the country into a positive place.

    Remember, we are *right on course for a* ***second lost decade in a row.*** Something has to change that. I *want* the big disruptive, unpopular party to make the hard decisions. We must stop that second lost decade coming to fruition at all costs. Labour have the votes to do it. It’s just a case of whether they have the stomach to do it.

  6. Disillusioned_Pleb01 on

    “We inherited a bunch of formulas from Labour that shoved all the funding into deprived urban areas and that needed to be undone.

    “I started the work of undoing that.”

    We have to get back to the plan.

  7. Massive-Pin-3655 on

    Mention of points is absolutely pointless right now. Come back in 4 years.

  8. mitchanium on

    Ratings aside, it seems clear that the Tories have outflanked them on these issues brilliantly and ousted them as hypocrites

    Politics can be dirty yes, but for Labour to assume they could operate like the Tories and not get called out for it is really amateur hour.

    I’m sure Labour will learn and recover from this but just wow!

    The voters voted labour because they were not meant to be the Tories, yet here we are 🤷‍♂️

  9. JamesZ650 on

    These polls are absolutely pointless though. No election for years.

  10. socratic-meth on

    > Keir Starmer’s poll lead over the Conservatives he trounced at Britain’s general election has slumped to a single point.

    Let’s hope he doesn’t call an election in the next month then…

  11. the_sneaky_one123 on

    On a scale of 1 to 10 how gutted is the average Labour supporter now.

    I’m not British. But boy, even I’m feeling this. Imagine waiting so long to get the tories out and then labour come and piss the bed in a matter of weeks.

    You guys just can’t catch a break.

  12. Innocuouscompany on

    Interesting how the people of this country give the Conservative 14 years to try and make things better and 3 months for Labour. Says everything you need to know about this country and why it’s headed for the toilet.

    A week is a long time in politics and there are many weeks left

  13. ThatGuyMaulicious on

    How the fuck you can fumble the past 4 months is beyond me. Admittedly Labour were far from popular in the ballot but these 4 months were totally winnable and Labour just decided we are going to choose nearly every bad option.

  14. dandotcom on

    It’s really disheartening when you think about it. We basically had to choose between the Tories and the Tories and now folk are upset that the Tories are being Tories. There really was no genuine ‘third choice’.

    I do not really advocate for any extreme left or right option, I just want some common sense, a degree of integrity, folk in the job who generally want to do good for the country and not just line-pockets and prop up the ‘party line’.

    Way too idealistic and naïve perhaps, I am just sick of these slimy hollow creatures that populate Parliament.

  15. SinisterPixel on

    BREAKING: New government hasn’t made any significant progress fixing 14 years of damage in the span of 3 months. People with memory issues outraged.

    More at 8

  16. Apprehensive_Ear7068 on

    Going to have 2 governments in a row with a “super majority” that still make an absolute cunt of it. At this Rate Nigel will be PM in 2029

  17. They a disaster. Who on earth thought it was a good idea to go into Government after 14 years and say things will get worse then implement horrific policies that was never on their manifesto.

    Reform UK for me

  18. Terrible-Group-9602 on

    Can we get a refund please. Sold as seen, turned out to have major defects.

  19. myanusisbleeding101 on

    I for one, have actually liked most of what Labour have come out with. If you actually look into the details of most of their policies, to me they make sense. The optics and how they have presented it however has been awful.


    Meh. What’s even the point of running a poll just 3 months after an election? They haven’t got off to the *best* start but it’s rather simplistic to be complaining about the lack of change only 3 months in.

  21. Om_om_om_om_ on

    We on the left tried to warn you, this is the natural consequence of giving power in the party to people who believe shite-all and think they can get away with 90s New Labour tribute act in place of a serious progressive programme for government (which is what this country and these voters are crying out for at this point.)

  22. Dropdeadwil on

    The idea is clearly to get the unpopular policies out the way first.

    I think people forget that a government term lasts 5 years and Labour have been in power for a few weeks.

  23. Old-Amphibian416 on

    They’ve lost the public’s support but the real pain is yet to come with higher taxes and cuts. We also have winter coming and if it’s a harsh one, the cut in winter fuel allowance will really hurt Labour

  24. icantbearsed on

    The power of the media! They’ve been on all out assault on this Govt since day one and it’s clearly having an impact. They total void on an opposition whilst they have a leadership contest is weirdly helping the Tories as they can’t be a target for anything as they essentially don’t exist currently.

  25. corkwire on

    Doesn’t matter does it, there’s not an election for 5 years.

  26. FuzzBuket on

    Starting to feel like no clear position other than “we are the adults back In Charge”  isn’t exactly good strategy.

    Like it’s not a west wing episode where you and your pals get given a different quandary each week and the most middle of the road and sensible solution is what saves the day: that’s just the erotice fanfic of middle class dads. 

    To fix a broken country you need vision, not just to be the most sensible with a cabinet full of cronies. 

  27. WeRegretToInform on

    This is your hourly reminder that the government hasn’t actually done anything to effect polling yet. We’ve had a long summer recess where nothing has happened.

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