Orario di lavoro medio per paese: l’Irlanda si colloca al 18° posto su 34


di bigjimmy427


  1. Ah, a nice solid ‘middle of the pack’ position guaranteed to piss off everyone with a vested position 😉

  2. Powerful-Ingenuity22 on

    There is 254 working days in Ireland in 2024 and I work for 8.5h a day, if we deduct my 24 days of holidays I still have to work 1955 hours and not 1633h. Was it calculated on working hours of County Council employees?

  3. Alternative_Course_8 on

    Can this be right? I thought the Japanese worked loads of additional hours.

  4. Hmmm, this is enlightenment in an image.

    My average hours over the last 4 years are somewhere between Costa Rica and Chile. And I’m in the UK. No wonder that company is shedding staff like dandruff in a hurricane.

  5. Comfortable-Can-9432 on

    Why isn’t Japan there?
    Is it because it doesn’t fit in the graph?

    Japan hours worked = Yes.

  6. ubermick on

    “Calculated as the total # of hours actually worked per year, divided by the average # of people in employment per year.”

    However they calculated, they did it wrong because as someone who spent most of his adult life there, there’s no way the average number in the US is that low.

  7. DoireBeoir on

    Having worked with Germans I definitely believe this. When they go for holidays they go all in. 3 weeks at a time, multiple times a year seems common.

    They also get “bridge” days from companies when a bank holiday is on a Thursday

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