Il figlio di Osama bin Laden ha ordinato di lasciare la Francia

di cryptocandyclub


  1. CoinnCoinn on

    Has he left France last year, not so hard to order to leave.

  2. AddictedToRugs on

    He’s been browsing Sevylor’s catalogue ever since looking for some transportation.

  3. confusedVanWorden on

    He looks more like Frank Zappa than like Osama Binladen.

  4. Eminence_grizzly on

    Will he take his hairstylist with him? I’m asking for a friend.

  5. TokyoBaguette on

    He is not in France in the first place but in Qatar… He can’t come back to France. Political spin doctors at work in this instance…

  6. Young-Rider on

    Therapist: Arab Frank Zappa isn’t real, he can’t hurt you.

    Arab Frank Zappa:

  7. Awkwardly-written Le Monde article

    >While Omar bin Laden denied being the author of the “reprehensible comments” he did not delete or condemn them, the prefecture said.

    If you are not the author of a post, you can’t delete that post, can you? It should say “did not request the the deletion of to social media support”. Also, reprehensive comments is in quotation marks, implying it’s a quote, but if it is a quote, then it is condemned.

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