L’ex calciatore irlandese Stokes incarcerato per sequestro di droga


di Bill_Badbody


  1. Bill_Badbody on

    >Defence solicitor Lorraine Stephens said her client was young, fit, and healthy and asked the judge to consider a community service order.

    I’m not sure why any of the above are reasons to not send a person to prison.

  2. Migeycan87 on

    Drink driving and speeding while transporting drugs in an uninsured car.

    Failed to stop after speeding past a Garda car.

    Caught again with drugs 10 days later.

    Judge previously gave him time to get sober/clean but he was later found to have cocaine in his system.

    Pretty sad story, but also not the brightest fella.

  3. Let this be a lesson to all young scummers out there: get into GAA, not soccer. That’s how you stay out of jail for all your scummer proclivities.

  4. jimmobxea on

    Roy Keane once said in 12 months Stokes could be playing non-league or Champions League, I guess it’s now prison league.

  5. tubbymaguire91 on

    Screw this guy.

    When I heard he was drunk driving I thought that was bad enough.

    Then I read he was doing 120km on a 50km road and nearly hit another car.

    This should be 5-10 years in prison in my book.

    The nonsense defences of his solicitor are even more angering.

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