Péter Magyar e Viktor Orbán si incontrano per la prima volta al Parlamento europeo


di WolfyHowler360


  1. gergohungary on

    If Magyar had been a prosecutor instead of a lawyer, he could have arrested Orbán immediately.

  2. In this picture Orban looks like beta male scared of Magyar 🙂

  3. Traditional-Candy-21 on

    Obran is such a corrupt self serving traitorous pig, why does Hungary tolerate him.

  4. joshistaken on

    The fat slob that even his former supporter is disgusted by.

  5. parnaoia on

    I just realized this guy’s name is literally the Hungarian variant of our first Prime Minister’s: Petre Roman.

    Here’s to hoping your guy’s less of a spineless POS that our guy was.

  6. Incorrigible_Gaymer on

    Magyar. Not gonna lie, it’s probably the best surname a Hungarian politician can have.

  7. Tejfel01 on

    I hope we can achieve change with this guy, he gained insane momentum in a few months’ time. And I also hope he doesn’t turn out to be just as bad

  8. Aromatic-Musician774 on

    I’m looking at this image from body language perspective. Peter standing looks like a chad, assertive alpha and bringing out his aura in front of Orban. Then I see Orban, reserved, retreated beta male.

  9. QOTAPOTA on

    What does Péter Magyar stand for? Right wing, left wing? Pro or anti Russia? Pro or anti EU?

  10. dat_9600gt_user on

    I’m sure he had to restrain ever cell in his body from doing the same faceslap as Juncker did.

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