But wait, it also takes some time to upload to the USB stick. Did you consider that?
Marcel_The_Blank on
Is this from 2004?
zezimeme on
Bruh i can upload 360gb per hour. What are you on about.
LifeIsAnAdventure4 on
This is dumb. Residential users typically do not upload large amounts of data at a time. Another relevant measure of Internet speed is the package round trip time which gives you a rough idea of the responsiveness of networked applications.
Sure, a pigeon can maybe go faster to upload 50 GB but it takes it the same time to upload 20 bytes and it needs another 50 minutes to come back and let you know it has succeeded in its mission (however it does that 😂)
MuskularChicken on
Romania having the best internet in EastEu. At least we got this working for us.
Simonsifon on
If i would do it that way, its gonna be hopeless.
I would pick out a pigeon thinking its a good one, but im sure im gonna pick the stupid one that flies the wrong way and probaply gets attacked by someones cat.
And whats the cat gonna do with my USB stick full of porn? Chewing on it, thinking its a toy…
Nah, i will do it the old fashion way and send over tru internet…
Boubyyyyy on
Pigeons with USB’s? Is that how they transfer little letters?
DoomSayerNihilus on
2.5 gbit over here its pretty good.
Kjoep on
This is about bandwidth, not latency.
It’s not specific to Belgium, pigeons will beat anything providing the usb stick is large enough
ProfessionalDrop9760 on
bring post pidgeons back, great for het millieu i guees
Fleugs on
In an alternative reading, pigeons in Scandinavia, France, Romania and Iberia are just very slow.
It makes a lot of sense pigeons here are faster, we literally engineered them to race.
PuzzleheadedTrack420 on
We worden hier dus voor niks constant gebombardeerd door Telenet en Proximus met hun Fiber kabel reclame…Catchy liedje wel.
SaperFellowCakeUnit_ on
That’s also why there is so many pigeons in Belgium.
Why is our internet so shit?
But wait, it also takes some time to upload to the USB stick. Did you consider that?
Is this from 2004?
Bruh i can upload 360gb per hour. What are you on about.
This is dumb. Residential users typically do not upload large amounts of data at a time. Another relevant measure of Internet speed is the package round trip time which gives you a rough idea of the responsiveness of networked applications.
Sure, a pigeon can maybe go faster to upload 50 GB but it takes it the same time to upload 20 bytes and it needs another 50 minutes to come back and let you know it has succeeded in its mission (however it does that 😂)
Romania having the best internet in EastEu. At least we got this working for us.
If i would do it that way, its gonna be hopeless.
I would pick out a pigeon thinking its a good one, but im sure im gonna pick the stupid one that flies the wrong way and probaply gets attacked by someones cat.
And whats the cat gonna do with my USB stick full of porn? Chewing on it, thinking its a toy…
Nah, i will do it the old fashion way and send over tru internet…
Pigeons with USB’s? Is that how they transfer little letters?
2.5 gbit over here its pretty good.
This is about bandwidth, not latency.
It’s not specific to Belgium, pigeons will beat anything providing the usb stick is large enough
bring post pidgeons back, great for het millieu i guees
In an alternative reading, pigeons in Scandinavia, France, Romania and Iberia are just very slow.
It makes a lot of sense pigeons here are faster, we literally engineered them to race.
We worden hier dus voor niks constant gebombardeerd door Telenet en Proximus met hun Fiber kabel reclame…Catchy liedje wel.
That’s also why there is so many pigeons in Belgium.
If you ever wondered.
Who cares about upload speed ?