Una mamma di East London vende la propria figlia, 15 anni, a un pedofilo per abusarne sessualmente


di alyaaz


  1. Voodoopulse on

    Who’d have thought in a story about a paedophile abusing the child the paedophile wouldn’t be the biggest monster?

  2. AgileBlackberry4636 on

    So who is prosecuted more?

    A pimp selling underage sex workers or the customer?

    I guess whoever was born a man, right?

  3. destroyerofworlds111 on

    I don’t believe in evolution, but without a doubt humanity is devolving out here

  4. ReferenceBrief8051 on

    Misleading headline. She didn’t “sell” her daughter. That would imply the abuser took ownership/custody of her daughter. He paid to abuse the daughter, not to buy her. It’s a horrific crime, there is no need to misrepresent it.

    Also, the abuser is not a paedophile, as the victim was not pre-pubescent. Obviously he is a terrible human being and he belongs in prison, and it makes the crimes no less abhorrent, but I would expect a journalist to use the correct terms.

  5. I remember talking to a local journalist once and he told me that he quit after he did a story about a house fire where a girl and a man died. Turned out the girl wasn’t his, his mother would send her round for cash. However, someone found out the man was a peado and got some petrol and firebombed his house, killing the man but also the girl. 

  6. RecedingQuickly on

    ahmad, not really surprised with that one unfortunately.

  7. Friendly_Log_4546 on

    I struggle to understand why this isn’t automatic life in prison for both

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