Le perdite russe in Ucraina ammontano a 600.000 e potrebbero ostacolare il reclutamento, afferma il Pentagono https://kyivindependent.com/russian-losses-in-war-against-ukraine-top-600-000-pentagon-says/ di yorkiecd
GiantBlackSquid on 10/10/2024 05:48 Deploying DPRK regulars? So I guess NATO can pile on in now? Fair’s fair.
BigNorseWolf on 10/10/2024 06:03 It’s an important part in any job interview for the employer to ask the employee why they want the job, and for the employee to ask why the position is open.
Deploying DPRK regulars?
So I guess NATO can pile on in now? Fair’s fair.
It’s an important part in any job interview for the employer to ask the employee why they want the job, and for the employee to ask why the position is open.