Confronta sempre i prezzi e se puoi compra all’estero. Vota con il tuo portafoglio.

di Remote_Highway346


  1. Remote_Highway346 on

    This is a 422zÅ‚ price difference. It’s not always that extreme, but I see it all the time. Same with computer parts, cameras, lenses…

  2. Keldonv7 on

    One has promotion/sale one dosent. And theres plenty of shops where u can buy it way cheaper in Poland.
    Plus u would need to travel to germany as you cant generally buy online in most german shops as normal customer due to vat difference (or you would need to use these dodgy middleman services). When ordering Starlink (because it was way cheaper there due to regional pricing) i had to buy it as company.

  3. Defensive_Midfielder on

    379 x 4,3026 = 1630,69 which is less than 20 PLN difference.

  4. Temporary-Guidance20 on

    Polish people love high prices. They fell better that way.

  5. Vote with your wallet on what exactly? These are both MediaMarkt prices, it just so happens that at this time there’s a sale in Germany and there isn’t one in Poland. I genuinely don’t understand this post

  6. taniefirany on

    Bad example, but generally, electronics are way cheaper west of Poland. That’s why you don’t go to the nearest shop and buy what’s needed, but have to do your research before buying. Don’t let them scam you.

  7. Affectionate-Cell-71 on

    On the other hand try to buy anything second hand from a polish person – they’ll value it at 70-80% of the original price, when non polish will write 10% – or “free must be taken today”. – From the FB market observations in the UK. Mostly when it comes to furniture.

  8. Jake-of-the-Sands on

    Only the current, on sale price is vastly different than Polish. Normal price is about the same, especially taking into consideration that Euro to PLN conversion varies daily. Today’s price is 1 632,15 PLN (379 Euro) while Polish is 1649. Let’s not forget that there’s also a transport fee that has to be included and while they probably ship them to Germany by a cargo ship/freigther or by plane, they have to be delivered to Poland somehow, probably from Germany by truck – so there’s that 20 PLN difference.

  9. Remote_Highway346 on

    Another example: Galaxy S24 Onyx Black. MediaMarkt DE: 719 eur = 3100 PLN. Media Markt PL: 3500 PLN , Euro AGD: 3500 PLN, Media Expert: 3200 PLN

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