Taoiseach: “Se gli ordini religiosi non fanno la cosa giusta e non pagano i risarcimenti, legiferaremo per assicurarci che lo facciano”


di That_Technician_439


  1. KillerKlown88 on

    Simon Harris as health minister – “We’re going to make sure by the end of this year, no child waits in this country longer for a scoliosis procedure than four months.” 

    This is just another soundbite, if he was serious he wouldn’t make it optional and would just pass legislation.

  2. Potential_Ad6169 on

    Fuck that, they’re criminals and shouldn’t be left to sentence themselves. Legislate for it in the first place

  3. great_whitehope on

    We will fix everything after the election that we didn’t fix in the past decade in power!

    Little hard to believe…

  4. Interesting to see where we are re the church once the die hard religious generations die off.

    Hopefully not too long until theyre audited to the back teeth

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