LβUE concluderΓ in anticipo la sua missione di monitoraggio in Armenia? Commenta il consigliere del capo missione
Imprese straniere prelevano miliardi di litri dalle falde acquifere del Regno Unito per produrre acqua in bottiglia
Buona festa nazionale di Taiwan – dall’Ucraina x πΉπΌ πΊπ¦ https://i.redd.it/kte0pwd4b5ud1.jpeg di asseatingleech
Squire-1984 on 11/10/2024 15:37 I was confused by this as Taiwan arent supplying any military equipment to Ukraine, so I searched and found this… [Taiwanese buy personalized signatures on Ukrainian artillery shells | Taiwan News | Jun. 5, 2023 13:13](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/4910162)
I was confused by this as Taiwan arent supplying any military equipment to Ukraine, so I searched and found this…
[Taiwanese buy personalized signatures on Ukrainian artillery shells | Taiwan News | Jun. 5, 2023 13:13](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/4910162)
Makes sense. Doubt they have any to spare….π