Ehi ragazzi, qualcuno in Svezia sa dove è stata scattata questa foto. è un’immagine molto importante nella comunità dello spazio liminale e non riesco a trovare molto su di essa a parte il fatto che è stata scattata in Svezia secondo l’operazione di un post su Reddit. Qualsiasi aiuto è apprezzato.

di Puzzleheaded-Post995


  1. Faceless_Deviant on

    I’ll be honest, this could be literally anywhere in Sweden.

    I’m more impressed over how well kept that grass is.

  2. Hittar inte bilden någon annanstans än här så det verkar lurigt.

  3. Fit_Organization7129 on

    Do a Google image search and look around,  coupled with Google Street view.

    There are houses like these all over Sweden I found out.

    Got to eat now, can’t help you out more.

  4. VitaminKocken on

    Its pretty obviously very heavily edited so this place your looking for may not even exist as shown in the picture.

    House design doesn’t look very Swedish but I could be wrong.

  5. Baud_Olofsson on

    Nothing about it looks Swedish to me. The chimneys, the roof access ladders and the paths look *un*-Swedish.

  6. LeftKaleidoscope on

    AI generated? Zoom in on the windows and the houses furtherst away… it doesn’t look real.

  7. That could be absolutely anywhere, apartment buildings lined up in rows like this are very common in Sweden.

  8. Perreman on

    Looks edited, but it certainly has some “miljonprojektet” vibes to it. I’ve lived in a very similar building to the ones in the picture. In that case it was in Linköping, but this picture ain’t it.

  9. TheOneAndOnlyPengan on

    That is Miljonprogrammet buildings where homes for 1M people were built between 1965 and 1975 in Sweden. Theese kinds of buildings are found all over the country. The slope and green-ness of the grass are our main clues. Id say either Malmberget, Boden or Kiruna.

  10. Someone in the original thread linked by u/troopah mentioned Söråker, a quick look on google maps there and I found the location.


    The wooden railing seen in the image is a bit further up the hill, but this is the closest Street View gets.

    But the image has clearly been edited to remove the street lights along the footpath, as well as the trees and buildings in the background.

  11. AI-genererad bild postad av en bot? Är det här internets framtid nu?

    Edit: Okej, inte AI-genererad. Bara fulbyggt nog för att se ut som det 🙂

  12. 1000lbpotato on

    This is Söråker in Timrå kommun. I used to live in those.

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