Sto cercando di ricreare questo dolce che ho comprato da una panetteria portoghese ma digitando il nome scritto non si ottengono risultati. Ha qualche altro nome o qualche ricetta che posso seguire?
di Chaiandcake
[]( something like this with chocolate on top?
They’re called “Little bows with honey and chocolate” ~~but they aren’t really a typical Portuguese thing~~. It’s literally just puff pastry bits covered in honey and chocolate. Just cut little strips on puff pastry, cover them in honey, twist to make little “bows”, bake until golden and then cover in melted chocolate.
This kind of looks like fried chicken with Chocolate, I was very confused for a minute
Bateu a saudade de lacinhos
The pastry in this recipe should be the same. But it has sugar on top instead of chocolate (in english on the bottom)
Laços de Mel, or Lacinhos de Mel.
Usually they’re just twisted strips of puff pastry baked and then soaked in a sugar/honey syrup. These have a chocolate coating, the classic ones are usually dusted with sugar powder instead.
Not sure what their origin is, but for recipes you may have better luck looking for the Spanish equivalent “lazos de hojaldre”.
Laços folhados e nome