La cometa A3 visibile stasera dal Regno Unito in uno spettacolo che non si ripeterà per 80.000 anni

di Amentet


  1. Longjumping_Stand889 on

    The comet will initially appear low on the western horizon in the glow of twilight about 45 minutes after sunset each day starting Saturday, Oct. 12, through the end of the month.

    After the end of the month, the comet isn’t expected to swing by again for 80,000 years, according to NASA.

  2. Cyanopicacooki on

    I’ll look up and see the spectacular thick bank of cloud that girds most Scottish nights at this time of year…

  3. DaMonkfish on

    Universe: “Hey, here’s a thing that’s incredibly rare, you should see it”

    The UK: “Cloudy lol”

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