Insegnante di yoga che fa causa per un dolore al collo afferma che le posizioni sulla testa migliorano il suo account sui social media

di That_Technician_439


  1. carlimpington on

    Devil’s advocate, a good yoga teacher should be able to do a headstand where there arms and shoulders take the weight rather than their head and neck. However, I assume the shoulders tensing would cause neck pain anyway.

  2. mother_a_god on

    Her becoming a yoga teacher afterwards does not mean the original incident was not serious. It could be both true that she did hurt her neck and has mostly, but not fully recovered. If she was seeing doing those poses days or weeks after it may affect things most strongly, but years later is a bit of a stretch to say she was not injured. 

     I’m totally against false claims and people chancing their arms, but it’s not clear this is one of those..

  3. gupouttadat on

    Headstands are cool and all, but can she throw a christmas tree??

  4. An absolute chancer 😂 

    *Why did you not tell the examining doctor, about you practicing yoga and doing head stands?*

    *He never asked* 🤣😭

  5. caisdara on

    Having sat through many a PI trial, people who are quite fit can often cause trouble in assessing damages. Being able to do a headstand two years or so post-accident doesn’t prove things one way or the other.

    Hopefully we’ll get a written judgment if it doesn’t settle.

  6. Bitter-Equal-751 on

    “The case continues next week” ha ha just walk away if the other side is game.

  7. From the article:

    A yoga teacher who claims she still suffers neck and shoulder pain after her car was rear-ended seven years ago has told the High Court her Instagram account showed her doing shoulder and headstands because she needs interesting poses on social media.

    “It is my livelihood, nobody wants somebody sitting in a cross-legged pose,” Chloe Geraghty told Ms Justice Leonie Reynolds.

    Referring to the Thailand yoga training which involved three classes a day and one hour in the gym, she said she was in a lot of pain afterwards and was on painkillers.

    Ms Geraghty replied: “I am going against my own advice, but I do have a neck injury.”

    She said she has to take painkillers every day.

    She said she never told a doctor who had later examined her about her yoga teacher training or standing on her head because he never asked.

  8. warnie685 on

    It’s soft tissue pain she claims she has, which is quite a different scenario versus damaged bones or similar when it comes to doing headstands and such imo. 

    If I have a pain in my neck and shoulder muscles I actively target them with yoga exercises and it does bring relief. 

     When I had back pain I used to do the bending over backwards pose which would have certainly looked to a stranger like I had no back trouble.

    She could still be a chancer of course, but it’s not as mad as it might seem.

  9. SinceriusRex on

    how does this stuff even qualify as news. It’s such cheap shite

  10. If you are going to claim that an injury has been detrimental to your life and it requires a court to intervene and award compensation to alleviate your suffering, be it physical or mental, do not set up an Instagram page where there are hundreds of pictures of you standing on your head, AFTER the alleged incident.

    This is just simple, basic stuff, and shouldn’t need to be told to anyone that is capable of the mildest form of critical thought.

  11. Impressive_Essay_622 on

    I love that she claims it’s genuinely that important…but then instantly privates the account when confronted. 

  12. IntentionFalse8822 on

    Hopefully massive costs are awarded against her. The only way we stop scammers like this is to have one of them end up losing everything.

  13. INXS2021 on

    Obviously funding for living her best life has fallen foul so she decides to pin her hopes on some poor bastard who rear ended her (ohh pardon matron).

    Im just hoping this dosnt effect her companys google reviews.

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