Se pensate che leggere le notizie sia una buona cosa, tenete d’occhio lo Staatsvertragsentwurf zur Reform des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks (ReformStV), quando tra due settimane a Lipsia se ne discuterà tra i Länder

Ci sono un sacco di cose brutte lì dentro, come la chiusura e/o la fusione di canali specializzati come KIKA, Arte, 3sat, One, ZDFneo ecc., nonché la chiusura di molte stazioni radio locali.

La cosa più folle però è che vogliono indebolire completamente la presenza online delle emittenti pubbliche. Meno Mediathek e Audiothek, meno Funk, meno app come Tagesschau e nessuna notizia online in forma testuale a meno che non si tratti di riassunti di servizi TV/Radio caricati online dopo la messa in onda del servizio – e non dovrebbero rimanere online per più di due settimane.

Questo è ciò che penso sia più rilevante per questo subreddit: le notizie in formato testo di Tagesschau e delle emittenti pubbliche regionali sono uno dei pochissimi siti di notizie in Germania senza paywall. Il contenuto in forma testuale significa che le persone che non parlano tedesco (come molti /r/germania utenti) possono tradurre automaticamente i report per essere informati. Se questa riforma passerà nella forma attuale, tutto questo scomparirà. Riceverai solo brevi riassunti, molto più tardi.

Rimani informato finché puoi.

EDIT: E firma per sostenere il salvataggio delle notizie e del resto dell’offerta televisiva pubblica

Sintesi del Trattato di riforma dello Stato

Bozza di discussione della Commissione radiotelevisiva

Dichiarazione congiunta di ver.di e DGB sulla riforma della radiodiffusione

Quali conseguenze avrebbe il Trattato di riforma dello Stato per l’HR e per

The states will try to make the Tagesschau intentionally worse for you
byu/agrammatic ingermany

di agrammatic


  1. Sheetz_Wawa_Market32 on

    Yeah, it’s all horrific. If it were up to me, I’d do the exact opposite: keep investing in Kika (which my kids grew up on!), Arte, 3sat, Phoenix; expand text-based news sites, incl. with long-term reference materials related to elections, e.g.; make public radio much more local than it is now.

    But on the flip side, I’d cancel big-ticket items like soccer, Tour de France, all of the low-brow soaps, Tatort etc., and the horrid talk show formats of Lanz & Co.

    In any case, all of this may not matter much anymore, because Germany seems to be headed for a cliff anyway (at the bottom of which awaits fascism or some other sort of brutal authoritarianism.)

  2. peepeee_poopooo on

    what’s this about? can someone provide some context?

  3. Scaver83 on

    This is us what we Germans want. Less public broadcasting, reforming what remains and lower the Rundfunkbeitrag.

  4. tirohtar on

    It’s so insane to me. ARD is pretty much the ONLY German news I read/watch. All the private ones are shit and biased. ALL of ARD/public broadcast content should be up online indefinitely (maybe with a time horizon of some years because of storage space limitations), people already paid for all that content with their GEZ. The private corporations simply aren’t providing a good service in comparison, so they lobby to have the public option shut down. It’s insanity.

  5. Winter_Current9734 on

    All of these ideas are fantastic news. And I mean that absolutely without irony. The Tagesschau app was always an abomination.

  6. code-gazer on

    I rely on the Tagesschau news portal to stay informed.

    Makes the mandatory tv/radio subscription almost palatable.

    As you say, I can translate it in my browser easily and stay up to date. Can’t do that with tv or audio. And the reporting is decent on most days. There is room for improvement, but still, I’d definitely give it a passing mark.


    By law, public broadcasting is supposed to ensure basic services. Now count all the public television/radio stations + the internet channels and then tell me what that has to do with basic service.
    Apart from one television and radio station with branches in the federal states, everything has to be dissolved – that would be “Grundversorgung”.

  8. heyjajas on

    Thank you for the sources. The summary by ver.di and DGB was on point.

  9. In general, reducing and saving is a good idea. With the fees (forced!), which are higher than those of well-known streaming providers every month, a huge number of special interest channels are financed that go far beyond the education and information budget of the federal and state governments.

    ARD with its Tagesschau, ZDF and „das Dritte“ will continue to exist. It’s more about not needing Phoenix, Tagesschau24, ZDFinfo etc. all next to each other. Additionally, lesser stations in general, as described in your links.

    But the online presence could really become a problem. Apparently, however, the big press houses are against it. Free news in good quality online? Of course they don’t like it.

  10. shiroandae on

    This is not perfect by any means. But I can’t help but feel satisfied that someone is at least trying to reign in on the bloat of public broadcasting. They are enragingly expensive even for people who barely use them.
    This is no news, least of all to the public broadcasters. They had a very long time to do their own to reduce the bloat and did nothing. So I am still happy somebody is at last doing something about it.
    I would be much happier if they just focused on online and offline news (albeit with just one correspondent networks instead of the two they have now – WTH) and some cultural things, and other things _if they create revenue to reduce taxpayer burden_ (Tatort etc.). And cut all the other bloat.

    But I have zero sympathy with the state they are in now.

  11. Wait

    You guys still watch television? Like with commercials and the stations telling you what to watch etc?

    Huh have not done that in 15 years

  12. GrouchyMary9132 on

    I don’t get why they don’t get rid of the low quality/bad acting/super expensive TV series and entertainment shows they produce or 10 of their 200 cooking and quiz shows and invest more or stay on the same budget for quality content like Arte produces.

  13. One of the biggest crimes against “tax” payers (read GEZ) was that we dont have unlimited mediathek. Everything ever produced by the state with tax money should be available to those that currently live here and pay for the service. The private companies made an insane coup. Further gutting this is absolute bonkers

  14. >There’s plenty of bad stuff in there, like closing down and/or merging the special-interest channels like KIKA, Arte, 3sat, One, ZDFneo etc as well as closing many of the local radio stations.

    I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. Especially when it comes to the radio stations. Why does every state need their own radio station that plays current pop music? If it’s only one per state.

  15. So sad, that’s probably one of the few German channels decent for kids left

  16. CaptnFnord161 on

    This reeks like the work of Springer/print content mafia lobbyist. Too bad they have too much dirt on high ranking politicians, so they will succeed in castrating the ÖRR.

  17. FrenchLurker on

    …but let me guess, they will never discuss lowering the GEZ tax?

  18. Canadianingermany on

    >  KIKA, Arte, 3sat, One, ZDFneo etc as well as closing many of the local radio stations.

    Honestly there is so much duplication and inefficiency.  People have been calling for this for a long time. 

    >less Funk, 

    Great. Funk has consistently fucked up big time. Check out the story with rezo and dunkle Parabelritter. 

    >less apps like Tagesschau,

    Great. No one needs separate apps for Tagesschau. No one need multiple mediatheks;both of which are poorly designed and lack decent search features. 

    One good app is better than a ton of different ones 

  19. Seems like Springer an Co lobbied so that they can run any form of News before ARD and ZDF can run theirs in an age of Online News and Online Media consumption. Fuck that

  20. keylockers on

    If the AfD had its way the public broadcaster would be eliminated entirely.

  21. wurst_katastrophe on

    Take a look at the BBC iPlayer, why is this not a thing in Germany?

  22. doppelkupplung_ on

    It’s good – shut down the public broadcasting in Germany. I am sick of paying money for this

  23. rowschank on

    I know the ÖRR is overbloated, but generally there is a lot that is critically useful with them, and all this feels like private media lobbying to clip the wings of ÖRR so that they get more eyeballs, and politicians going along because apparently lobbyists are they only way they get ideas on lawmaking these days and have no brains of their own. If the online presence of news articles on Tagesschau is only online for 2 weeks and the publishing is delayed, obviously their relevance is dimnished and Springer and co. can continue to spew unlimited nonsense that stays up forever. Of course, politicians, many of them who still don’t understand the internet, will solemnly agree to any and all such demands. Overall, this only stands to make the media and news reporting significantly worse in Germany.

    Not to mention the excellent shows that ZDF Mediathek has – all that would probably be gone too. Instead we can prepare ourselves on high quality “documentaries” by Servus TV and NIUS, teaching us all about the virtues of identitarianism and why Don Quixote was the real hero in his fight against wind turbines.

    AfD doesn’t even need to be in power – Germany – and apparently most other western countries who all have carbon copies of the same trash-wing parties – will just execute fascism-light step by step in the name of rationalisation or democracy or whatever, and this is just yet another step.

  24. Letsgetlost13 on

    This is just an attack on the freedom of information.
    No gouvernment was ever interested in having journalists criticize it. Not even in modern democratic systems. It doesn’t even need to be the nazi fuckheads of the AFD or similar creeps. Just look what happened to the BBC: first you start attacking it verbally, talk about your concerns about the taxpayers money – which each and every politician is more than willing to waste at every other opportunity – complain about the ‘low quality’ of the programme and this way shape the public debate by repeating that bullshit over and over again. After some time, enough idiots are going to believe you and demand that the ‘waste of money’ has to be stopped.
    After that you just present your ‘money saving’ plans of reducing stations, programmes, contents and free accessability and wait for another couple of years. By then, even more people will complain, because now the quality really went down. And you can take this opportunity to finally reduce the public broadcasting companies down to nothing.

    All without arresting even a single critical journalist and all with of course only the best intentions.

    And because people are fucking stupid, they even cheer for this, because it ‘saves them their hard earned money’. Seems to be all that counts. People just don’t deserve democracy and freedom, if they’re too lazy to even think about why it’s important.

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