Come appare Erling Haaland nelle interviste norvegesi? Considerando che è uno dei migliori giocatori al mondo (forse uno dei migliori attaccanti mai esistiti) nelle interviste in inglese sembra un ragazzo abbastanza umile e normale, considerando che è giovane e ricco, è bello da vedere, è la stessa cosa?
di Sugar_Vivid
Yeah, pretty down to earth. He seems to really enjoy playing football, and is really focused on being a good as player as he can be. As far as interviews and mentality goes, he actually reminds me a bit of Messi.
Yes. He has a good heart.
He’s the same in Norwegian, yes.
Yes. He is from a countryside called Jæren, and to me it is noticeable. Down to earth, hard working, humble.
I know a local from Jæren area (he is a friend of Haalands grandmother) who is not into football, but he does attest that Haaland is a nice guy.
His father has a cabin in my home town. They go about shopping at Felleskjøpet and stuff. Seems like very ordinary people. They don’t flaunt their wealth. Haaland comes from Jæren, which is known for its hard working down to earth farmers.
Also, he’s from Jæren, where it’s not culturally polite to exaggerate but the opposite.
«Wow this is the most delicious meal I’ve ever tasted» would be in Jærsk «it’s not the most awful thing I’ve tasted».
He’s humble, a bit dorky and innocent.