I media e i politici greci filo-russi hanno accusato il governo di “tradimento” in seguito alle notizie secondo cui la Grecia potrebbe inviare il suo sistema missilistico S-300 all’Armenia.
Il cane eroe che protegge gli uccelli marini nelle isole scozzesi incoronato “Animale dell’anno” https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/hero-spaniel-who-protects-endangered-33869116.amp di topotaul
ClassicFlavour on 12/10/2024 14:58 > rats can also swim between islands I didn’t know rats could swim between islands. I wouldn’t have doubted it if someone told me, but I could’ve lived happily without knowing it.
1 Comment
> rats can also swim between islands
I didn’t know rats could swim between islands. I wouldn’t have doubted it if someone told me, but I could’ve lived happily without knowing it.