Lettera di propaganda che richiede le dimissioni di Polykarpos Yorgacis, Naçak, 16 febbraio 1962 (Commenti per la traduzione letterale)
Aggiornamento numero uno: il trailer è stato acquistato, consegnato e sta apportando un vero cambiamento sul fronte. Grazie a tutti 🫡 https://v.redd.it/qb5m1n9dldud1 di ongand2
ongand2 on 12/10/2024 19:19 Hello everyone, Armen here. A while ago you helped the warriors buy the trailer and it has been delivered a while back and is making real change. It already made a few trips to the front and is helping in a big way. Thank you to everyone that helped!
Hello everyone, Armen here.
A while ago you helped the warriors buy the trailer and it has been delivered a while back and is making real change. It already made a few trips to the front and is helping in a big way. Thank you to everyone that helped!
Hell yea!