Passamelo! Ecco la risposta al motivo per cui il governo sta cercando di bandirti illegalmente dagli istituti di protezione dell’infanzia.
Kela avverte i finlandesi all’estero che potrebbero presto perdere i pagamenti delle pensioni nazionali
leNuage on 13/10/2024 05:09 i’m looking forward to the next update by perun on how many artillery russia has left in stock. it has to be getting to the bottom of the barrel soon, right? (pun intended)
Shopro on 13/10/2024 05:11 [Daily stats](
tacotruck7 on 13/10/2024 05:39 How could Putin lose almost 9000 tanks on a three day military operation?
+1 russian aircraft shot down too late to get on today’s list?
i’m looking forward to the next update by perun on how many artillery russia has left in stock. it has to be getting to the bottom of the barrel soon, right? (pun intended)
[Daily stats](
How could Putin lose almost 9000 tanks on a three day military operation?