1. emmmmceeee on

    If people could wear deodorant too I would appreciate it.

  2. Hopeful-Ask-5739 on

    Yes this is common in East Asian counties, makes the commute more peaceful and easier for everyone

  3. WellWellWell2021 on

    Maybe get rid of the huge bikes during rush hour first. Nothing is enforced. Even people booking seats on trains have nobody to enforce this if some dumb fucker insists the seat is theirs

  4. Suspicious_Peak_101 on

    The worst is those people on video call on loud speaker..

  5. Time-Researcher-1215 on

    That should say dick heads! Not disco!🕺

  6. craictime on

    What would be the point? No one will enforce it and even if the cunts who act that way got to court, nothing would be done either 

  7. FearGaeilge on

    Ever since I got my noise cancelling headphones, the commute has been much better.

    People are assholes and there’s no enforcement of existing rules so they’ll do what they want. Get yourself a good pair of noise cancelling headphones and blast your own music.

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