Come tutti sapete, il Belgio è un paese pieno di autovelox e “trajectcontroles” (controlli della velocità media). Questi generano quantità pazzesche di denaro, e il fatto che una parte di esso sia privatizzata è abbastanza sorprendente.
Non sono un guidatore veloce, ma come la maggior parte delle persone, a volte guido un po’ più velocemente di quanto consentito. È particolarmente facile dimenticarselo in una zona a 30 km/h. Tuttavia, negli ultimi sei anni, non ho ricevuto una sola multa e penso che ciò sia in gran parte dovuto a Waze.
Mi avvisa costantemente di ogni controllo della velocità media e di ogni autovelox. Sono sempre impressionato da come conosce quasi tutti gli autovelox e i pericoli sulle strade belghe.
Quindi la mia domanda a tutti voi è: usate Waze?
Se lo usassimo tutti, non potremmo evitare la maggior parte degli autovelox? Perché, a dire il vero, penso che sia più una questione di guadagno che di sicurezza.
di baaskaass
It is always about safety. It just so happens that the amount of drivers not obeying the rules is so staggeringly high that a couple of checkpoints bring in millions of euros. The problem lies with the general acceptance of disobeying the rules when driving a car.
I don’t use Waze, I use the round circular things with numbers in them on the side of the road to know how fast I can go.
This has given me one fine in about 400.000km driven.
I think its a proven fact that this is about money. The amount of stories in the news about
trajectory control mgmt companies demanding remover of speedbumps etc make that more then clear.
You should lead a revolutionary movement and not give the state more money. You and your fellow revolutionaries only need to do one thing: obey the speed limit,
That will show them!
I use google maps. i’m happy it gives speed and speed limit. altho not always correct sadly enough. its a somewhat usefull guide.
there is little excuse to speed tbh. either you are not paying attention or you are in no condition to drive (drunk/sick/tired). Most are on a highway i’d say.
But yeah, it is stupid crazy the city ones are private owned with weird ass shady rules. thank mister janssens for that. i hate speeding, but this is near borderline entrapment.
making roads you can speed on by using axis movement, zigzag parking and other more proven methods for general safety. not just a wallet.
i think giving people fines for driving too fast is a better way for our government to get more money than raise our taxes. if you can’t pay attention to your speed while driving, you deserve that fine.
My mom uses Waze, but I still appreciate these trajectcontroles. It’s the only way to get her to drive a reasonable speed =) And I’m saying that knowing she’d often drive 160km/h, and has gone over 250 in the past.
I imagine a lot of people are about the same, so please keep them. (Even though I don’t plan on driving a car myself)
I do use Waze all the time. Never received any fine since I started using it. Tbh, I don’t really speed either, maybe at the highways sometimes, but nothing higher than 130.
I love how every Belgian is at the same time “goverment is stealing our money with those speed traps” and “well you just need to look at the signs, you obv. can’t drive and should kill yourself from shame if you ever missed a street sign”
Never mind Belgium has more street signs than anywhere on earth. (hey, those signs also bring in a good income!!). I haven’t had a fine in all my driving career, but those 30 km/he trajectcontroles are sometimes very short. One distraction and you could be over the limit.
Ofc Reddit will now declare me a road pirate for this message, and try to convince me I should have never gotten my licencen and it’s a miracle I haven’t killed anyone on the road yet.
Since I have a car with adaptive cruise control that works pretty well, I rarely drive too fast, so no need for warnings about speed traps.
I don’t see a reason not to use things like Waze.
I can’t drive without waze , 100% reliable so far