Sta diventando freddo in Ucraina e diventerà solo più freddo. La 37a Brigata ci ha chiesto ancora una volta aiuto. Questa volta per i riscaldatori diesel. Ne hanno chiesti 4, ma 8 sarebbero l’ideale. Il costo per 4 è $ 580 e per 8 è $ 1160 ($ 960)🫡

di ongand2


  1. Hello everyone, Armen here and I’m trying to work through the backlog of request right now and the priority at the moment are diesel powered heater as it’s getting cold right now.

    The 37th brigade that’s in the video has asked for 4 heaters at a cost of $380 and the 122nd has also asked for at least 4.

    From my last fundraising I raised ~$200 over the total amount, so for 8 heaters the total would be $960.

    These are the heaters they asked us to get

    And as always, I and the guys appreciate your support 🫡

    Donation information:


  2. gorimir15 on

    Warm clothing for winter is one of the least expensive, yet most helpful, strategic advantages an army can have. Please let’s make sure every Ukrainian fighter has 10x better winter gear than their adversaries.

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