L’esercito russo bombarda intenzionalmente con i droni l’Agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati a Kherson, in Ucraina. E gli stessi russi pubblicano con orgoglio questi video affinché tutti possano vederli, perché sono sicuri della loro impunità


di Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Exotic-Strawberry667 on

    Russian military intentionally bombs the UN Refugee Agency in Kherson, Ukraine, from drones.

    And Russians themselves proudly post these videos for everyone to see, because they are confident of their impunity.

    @UN, Russia is pissing in your faces, and you are happy about it.


  2. Mr_Lovepants on

    They know the U.N are soft and they are getting desperate and bitter

  3. HaveTPforbunghole on

    Right before they are ordered to retreat, the Russians will commit untild horrors in the areas they occupy. They will go on гарє tours. They will plant anti-personal mines in schools and playgrounds. They will poison the well.

  4. RavenousRa on

    Is the UN worth anything but a sink of money and corrupt and inept politicians?

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