Ex tossicodipendente corre 110 miglia in 24 ore


di Tartan_Samurai


  1. Monkeyliar95 on

    Ironically might have been easier if he stayed on the drugs

  2. doomerbloomer98 on

    That’s nothing, I knew a former crackhead who a ran to Windsor with no training, accidently

  3. Extreme_Theater on

    I doubt it’s intentional, but I wish the BBC would adjust its phrasing to “Man in recovery from drugs and alcohol”, they could do a lot of good to raise awareness of addiction as a health crisis

  4. greylord123 on

    Is it quite a common thing for recovering drug addicts to get really into running?

    I remember talking to a guy on a train and he was a former drug addict and he used to get on random trains and go to a random place and just go for a run in the countryside and see where it took him.

  5. blackn1ght on

    He only started running last July, that’s incredible! I started running last August and my furthest run has been 15k. Maybe I need to hit the drugs and booze before a run!

    I think Russ Cook (the guy that ran the length of Africa) hasn’t been running too long either. Mad how some people can just take to it.

  6. I can’t prove it but I believe running this much is detrimental to ones health. Like all things in life there needs to be a balance. There is such a thing as overexertion of the body.

  7. darealredditc on

    What is going on with BBC headlines recently? I’m sure they are more vague and clickbaity then usual this year.

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