Non sembra importare se ungo o meno la padella, se la cucino lentamente a fuoco basso o velocemente, o quanto sto attento a girarla usando un piatto: tutto ciò che mi ritrovo è un mucchio di patate brandelli, alcuni dei quali hanno una punta croccante.

di Brickie78


  1. nastyhoneybadger on

    what potatoes do you use? floury potatoes have more starch and are better for Röstis

  2. Erdnuss-117 on

    Put baking paper below the rösti in the pan, and to flip it, place a plate on the pan and flip the whole pan-plate assembly upside down, then slide the rösti gently into the pan

    Also use low heat

  3. pioneerpatrick on

    You can make them in the oven, assuming they are frozen

  4. Vannnnah on

    enough oil to generously coat the pan, but not enough for the Rösti to soak it up.

    Also: high heat, the pan needs to be really hot when you put it in so a crust can form quickly. And then you turn it, repeat with the other side and then reduce heat.

    Also not sure if this is frozen or not, but if it is I guess it’s too wet to work. When you make it yourself the potatoes are grated and salted, then the ground potatoes need to rest for about an hour so the water comes out. The water is then pressed out and disposed of before a Rösti is formed.

    If it’s wet from cold storage or because you used too much oil it will fall apart. It’s generally harder to make in a pan, restaurants usually deep fry them and making it fresh at home takes some practice. Ready made is probably much worse than trying to make it yourself.

    The outside is usually very crunchy, if you only have crunchy bits there’s definitely some moisture problem.

  5. Queen-Ghidorah on

    More oil, more heat. The pan has to be hot when you put them in, you need to hear it sizzling as soon as they touch the pan. Then leave them alone and only flip them when they get loose by themselves. It always takes longer than you think, try not to disturb the process by trying to look underneath (that is my worst trait, I can never leave stuff alone, I always fuck them up, too).

  6. Big_Adeptness_3829 on

    As a Swiss: throw them into the pan and distribute them evenly. Let them brown a bit and then mix it (tear the Rösti apart with spatula), then form it again to a big Rösti.

    They should stick together as they’re moist. Maybe you must press them harder together.

    But, the most important thing: just make them yourself, it’s the easiest dish and these conserved ones taste like garbage.

    [BettyBossi (the Swiss OG for cooking)](
    -> just use a [Röstiraffel]( for the potatoes…

  7. Something many beginner cooks do wrong is they stir too much and don’t dare let things stick a little. Put it in the pan and leave it be for longer than you’re comfortable with. Also don’t believe non-stick pan makers, you will still need oil.

  8. Scaver83 on

    Have you read the instructions on the back. I seem to remember that this dish has to be made in the oven and not in a pan (even though it is pictured on the front).

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