L’agenzia di stampa del Cremlino Ria Novosti definisce Călin Georgescu “il candidato allineato con la Russia”
Ciao 👋 qualcuno può aiutarmi a scoprire chi erano i genitori del mio bis bis nonno? Magnus Johnson. (E se siamo parenti fatemelo sapere!)
Le truppe ucraine sconfiggono il convoglio russo nell’oblast di Kursk https://mil.in.ua/en/news/ukrainian-troops-defeat-russian-convoy-in-kursk-oblast/ di Mil_in_ua
Pyyric on 14/10/2024 13:57 Some russians are stranded at a critical junction afaik from the news. It means the junction can’t be used by ukraine, but it also means russia will need to push again on the same exact road soon or lose those troops.
1 Comment
Some russians are stranded at a critical junction afaik from the news. It means the junction can’t be used by ukraine, but it also means russia will need to push again on the same exact road soon or lose those troops.