Orbán minaccia di interferire con gli aiuti all’Ucraina per aiutare Trump


di BkkGrl


  1. WordSalami on

    Unfortunately the EU has no mechanisms in it’s law to expell a country … Hungary would surely deserve it under Orban.

  2. At this point it might even be worth it to just ignore Hungary’s membership. Just go along as if they were not a part of the EU anymore. No more funds, no more Schengen, no more voting rights. And just continue business as usual as if everything had been made according to protocol. And then they can start to behave as a first-world country and an ally, or keep being ignored forever or until they officially leave.

  3. Jindujun on

    Maybe it’s time to remake an exact copy of the EU but without Hungary?

  4. Diligent_Excitement4 on

    5th column right in the heart of Central Europe

  5. Spicy-hot_Ramen on

    I imagine how he wakes up everyday just to find a new way to fuck things up for everyone. Assume all the good things he could do for his country with such determination

  6. mariuszmie on

    I don’t know why people are surprised/angry or confused

    Putin tells him to jump, he asks how high
    Otherwise no cheque for Moscow

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