Vi presento il limite di velocità nei Balcani

di Prestigious-Job-9825


  1. Distinct-Entity_2231 on

    Why is this ‘Murican sign? We don’t use that here!

  2. Familiar_Ad_8919 on

    speed limit (optional)

    the amount of speeding drivers get away with over here is insane, cant imagine what its like in the balkans

  3. Rus_agent007 on

    I followed speed limits when driving the coastal roads in Croatia. Was common to be 30km/h ob a lot of cliff roads.

    Even the Germans overtaking me gave me the Balkan hands through the window.

  4. speedometers are showing less, so police is not stopping you for +10.
    +5 is usually little less than the limit (i pass spped-cameras always with +5)

  5. BossKrisz on

    You see, this is a very common misconception. People think the speed limit means the limit for the tip speed you can go with. But in reality it’s actually a limit to the lowest acceptable speed. In a 50 km/h zone, you cannot go slower that 50. Even then you’re threading on thin ice.

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