Cos’è questo nella mia doccia? L’ho visto solo in Finlandia e non ne vedo alcuno scopo

di Hezal05


  1. Necromartian on

    If you’re short and some one has set the shower head holder too high, you can use that to pull it down.

  2. PotooIsABird on

    If the shower head is too high and you can’t reach it, you can pull it down using that.

  3. PrintMost2146 on

    If I remember correctly it’s a way to lower the shower head holder in case you can’t reach it.

  4. Pilkkula on

    You pull it to pull down the shower head holder if you can’t reach it otherwise.

  5. theg4ylord on

    Accessibility feature, if you push the shower head holder above a bit too high, shorter ppl/children can pull it down.

  6. Puzzled_Implement292 on

    For short ppl + excellent place to hang your sponge

  7. If a tall person raises the shower head up. A short person can pull it down using that thing

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