Von der Leyen sostiene i centri di rimpatrio al di fuori dell’UE per i richiedenti asilo respinti. Questo dopo che 17 stati hanno recentemente sollecitato un “cambio di paradigma”


di EUstrongerthanUS


  1. wondermorty on

    This cannot work unless they use a island territory. The rejected refugees will just smuggle themselves again, this time easier since they have land.

    Many options are available like Sardinia, which will be a bigger deterrent than albania.

    Literally people smugglers work in albania to get them into the UK already lol

  2. BeardedBaldMan on

    They’ll be getting a phone call from Rwanda – “Hey, we hear you want a detention centre. We’ve got one barely used”

  3. Gold-Instance1913 on

    I hear Lybian slave markets, ahem, I mean detention centers are offering services for pretty reasonable prices.

  4. EUstrongerthanUS on

    The EU also wants to do processing centers outside Europe. That way people won’t have to make the dangerous journey and the external border can become stronger (for example Frontex will be tripled in size).

    Countries that won’t cooperate with the returns could also face EU trade sanctions.

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