La britannica diventa la donna più giovane a scalare le 14 vette più alte del mondo

di masterblaster0


  1. wkavinsky on

    I mean good for her, but this is only possible if you have pushy, **rich** parents.

    The permit for Everest alone is something into the six-figures.

  2. propernorty on

    Ahhh the stench of entitlement. Plenty of young people who’d be more than capable of doing this if their fanily had enough cash

  3. When people talk about the UK having a *crabs in a bucket mentality*, just read the comments on this thread to understand what they mean.

  4. garfunk2021 on

    This sub is fantastic.

    I just read the comments section of the Ethnic Minorities pride of British Heritage and reading comments towards someone proud of their British Heritage … for not having any his own achievements to be proud of instead.

    The next topic I read is the youngest female mountaineer to climb the world’s 14 highest peaks…. and the comments section is pissing over her achievements for being rich, not that hard and nothing to be proud of, really.

    You make me proud to be British. I love the relentless cynicism.

  5. Plus_Competition3316 on

    Lool every single mountain she’s climbed will have cost an easy £20,000-£50,000 each in expenses/visas. If a 23 year old has access to that sort of cash then they also have the time to train 24/7 for it.

    Well done to the lass, no hate, but you can pull any 23 year old off the street these days and turn them into an athlete with enough time and money.

  6. Tartan_Samurai on

    *Brownlee, who grew up in south-west London and attended the University of Bath, is said to have laid out her ambition as an eight-year-old at primary school, writing: “I would like to be famous for climbing the highest mountain in the world … and be one of the youngest girls to do this.”*

    *For her last climb, Brownlee climbed without the use of supplementary oxygen, making it an even tougher challenge.*

    *“It’s all about intrinsic motivation for me and wanting to push my body and achieve my personal goals,” she said. “Mountaineering is my escape in life, it makes me feel free and truly connected with myself so it becomes an obsession to go back.*

    *“I quit university and my degree to pursue a career in mountaineering and sacrificed friendships, regular teenage life and more, but it was all worth it.”*

    Well done on her for pursuing her dreams and such a incredibly difficult one as well!

  7. Correct_Pay9038 on

    Really enjoying the ‘anyone could do this with enough money comments’.

    You are stupid. Really stupid.

    K2 is one of the most technical climbs in the world, and the mountain has a death rate of 1 for every 3 summits. You have to cross under a giant serac at the bottleneck, a serac which habitually rains ice and snow on climbers. Many have died here.

    Nanga Parbat (aka killer mountain) is also an incredibly technical, incredibly steep climb with avalanches everywhere.

    Annapurna is by far the most deadly mountain in the world, with a summit to death ratio of 32%. The weather is extremely bad on this mountain, and having watched videos of climbs it is a mountain that crumbles around you as you ascend. There are avalanches everywhere and a successful climb is incredibly difficult.

    Many of the other peaks are also difficult in many ways.

    To add to all of this, you are operating on these mountains at extremely reduced capabilities. The air is thin and you can never full catch your breath. One wrong move, one wrong footfall over 14 of the hardest climbs in the world and you are dead. If you get stuck in bad weather and can’t be rescued you are dead. If you get High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) or High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE) you have an excellent chance of dying. If you run out of supplementary oxygen and you are poorly acclimatised or of a genetic disposition that does not enable you to function on low oxygen, you are dead.

    It is pinnacle of the utterly awful envy mindset that permeates this nation that the first instinct of many is to throw mud at someone who has accomplished something incredible. What the fuck have ever you done?

    PS – maybe stop voting for the LAB/CON uniparty if you want to see material improvements in you life and quality of living. Maybe do more with your life. Blaming a brilliant young woman for your woes instead of those actually responsible is beyond tragic.

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