La Frisia ha ricevuto 9 milioni per il Frisone, Overijssel finora 0 euro per la Bassa Sassonia: ‘Adesso non c’è più niente’
I social network hanno un effetto negativo sulla salute mentale ( Jure TrÅ¡an Blond ) – Contracast E04
eatmyfeinstaub on 15/10/2024 21:28 very important question: Where do you live? i‘m pretty sure it‘s from a city or facility!
Generic-Resource on 15/10/2024 21:37 Where are you? Itzig? Outside differdange or esch Belval? There’s clearly an industrial plant of some kind.
The airport lights.
very important question: Where do you live? i‘m pretty sure it‘s from a city or facility!
Not a clue.
Probably a floodlights from a football pitch.
Where are you? Itzig? Outside differdange or esch Belval? There’s clearly an industrial plant of some kind.