In questo giorno, 40 anni fa, il tentativo di colpo di stato del generale Nicolae Militaru contro il dittatore rumeno Nicolae Ceaușescu fallì perché i soldati che avrebbero dovuto attuare il piano furono inviati a raccogliere il mais.

di OsarmaBeanLatin


  1. petterri on

    > A Securitate plot to depose Ceaușescu existed in the early 1980s, and he is known to have joined in 1984, adding an Army dimension.[7] Following the rise of Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985, Militaru requested the Soviet leader’s backing for an anti-Ceaușescu coup d’état; this was rejected.[8]

  2. NederTurk on

    “So mister Militaru, what kind of work do you do?”

    “You’re not gonna believe this.”

  3. Fil-is-Theo on

    Outstanding move, absolute gigabrain intellect on Ceausescu

  4. A piece of shit like the rest of the communists. He was just another murderer, his allegience was not with Ceausescu but the GRU/KGB.

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