Il terapista accusato di aver abusato sessualmente di un detenuto ora lavora per l’HSE

di Charming-Potato4804


  1. OvertiredMillenial on

    Important to note that the therapist is a middle-aged woman and the alleged victim, who’s made the accusation, is a 50-something career criminal and tiger kidnapper.

  2. ya_bleedin_gickna on

    I guarantee it’s a scheme and he is looking for time off the sentence…

  3. Practical-Goal-8845 on

    “We confirmed the dates of employment but didn’t provide a reference.” – seems to me the IPS may have replied with something along the lines of: ” X worked with us from Y-date to Z-date, upon which employment was terminated by resignation of X”… this may have sufficed as a reference to tick the box within the HSE.

  4. Main-Cause-6103 on

    At least it’s a change from working for Sinn Fein.

  5. Vivid_Ice_2755 on

    One of the most vile men in Ireland. Therapist should have known better. Absolute clown move on her behalf 

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