Merz si rivolge a Scholz sull’Ucraina. Accusa il governo federale di aver paura di Putin, la restrizione della portata delle armi contro la Russia deve essere revocata se continuano i bombardamenti sulle infrastrutture civili e se TAURUS deve essere consegnato

di Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. every time you hear “if he does not stop X, we will do Y” it’s empty words, guaranteed

  2. Screamingmonkey83 on

    i really dont like Merz, but hes very right. but also i dont know how things would look like if he would be chancelor. Now hes in the opposition talk is cheap there.

  3. Ukraine’s Allies need to start issuing ultimatums and red lines. If attacks on civilians continue, for every Ukrainian civilian death Ukraine gets 10 Tomahawks and permission to use them however they choose.

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