Dottore interdetto per aver diagnosticato erroneamente una gravidanza ectopica

di Forward-Answer-4407


  1. Round-Spite-8119 on

    I wonder if we’d need to rely on Doctors educated in 1970’s Egypt if the BMA didn’t artificially limit Doctor training places.

  2. NowThatHappened on

    So it occurred in 2010, so 14 years ago and was de-registered 6 years later. So nice to be see the swift resolve with which authorities acted. Nothing happened after that except he asked for his license back 2 years ago and was told no. Slow news day…. Again.

  3. mitchanium on

    I felt i have really good GPs at my surgery, but even I am now aware of the constant staff (GP) turnover, and lack of familiarity/continuity with their patients to the point that I now want a second opinion on all internal issues.

    I guess what I’m saying is that I just can’t trust their (internal issues) diagnoses any more, and, if this is wider problem, then we have people like me hogging resources simply because the government is winging it on bare min services and hoping people trust their first diagnosis.

    Ps yes, I feel guilty for hogging, and no, I don’t regret it, and yes, I have had contradictory advice from 2x GPs on a life & death diagnosis within 2 weeks.

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