Le e-mail di Drax mostrano che il combustibile legnoso proviene da vecchie foreste canadesi


di F0urLeafCl0ver


  1. PigeonsAreSuperior on

    Think of the environment before printing these emails

  2. winkwinknudge_nudge on

    No worries I’ve started a compost bin.

    Should balance things out.

  3. This has been known about since at least 2022. Panorama did a documentary on it complete with journalists following wood collection trucks back to the old growth forests that Drax had bought in Canada. They are literally cutting down carbon sink forests, processing them into pellets and shipping them to the UK from Canada and if the numbers are accurate then it means we’ve continued to give them green subsidies to the tune of £920 million since then.

  4. CurtisInCamden on

    Of all the environmental crimes occurring in this country, I think burning the old growth forests of North America to produce “renewable electricty” for the UK has to take the cake!

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