I maialini sono diventati il Wegovy dell’agricoltura: »Questa è una produzione, non un film di Morten Korch«
Mandate la polizia, rinnoveremo il blocco idrico – la risposta di Péter Magyar ad Attila Fülöp, segretario di Stato responsabile della politica dell’assistenza al Ministero degli Interni.
La polizia turca cerca di fermare un corteo del Pride con idranti e crea accidentalmente un arcobaleno
Un Su-24MR ucraino della 7a Brigata Aerea Tattica effettua un volo a quota estremamente bassa e ad alta velocità https://v.redd.it/kyg0fmkz1avd1 di Exotic-Strawberry667
Exotic-Strawberry667 on 17/10/2024 08:30 Amazing footage shot by our farmers! A Ukrainian Su-24MR from the 7th Tactical Aviation Brigade performs a flight at extremely low altitude and high speed. The aircraft was restored after the start of the full-scale invasion, having received new gray camouflage. Glory! https://x.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1846822718093562255
forthehundredthtime on 17/10/2024 08:51 note to foreigners visiting Ukraine- filming like this could get you arrested
Amazing footage shot by our farmers!
A Ukrainian Su-24MR from the 7th Tactical Aviation Brigade performs a flight at extremely low altitude and high speed. The aircraft was restored after the start of the full-scale invasion, having received new gray camouflage.
note to foreigners visiting Ukraine- filming like this could get you arrested