L’agenzia di stampa del Cremlino Ria Novosti definisce Călin Georgescu “il candidato allineato con la Russia”
Il Comitato Portafoglio dei Giornalisti apre un procedimento contro Maria João Avillez. Ricardo Costa ammette “lapsus”
Stupratore condannato per aggressione ad adolescente 20 anni fa https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx2lzrypg54o di IllustriousLynx8099
imakeatheaccount on 17/10/2024 16:42 Because this sentence has been chosen to run concurrently with his existing service for reasons known only to the judge, he will face zero punishment for this in practice.
1 Comment
Because this sentence has been chosen to run concurrently with his existing service for reasons known only to the judge, he will face zero punishment for this in practice.