Zelenskyj: La Russia ricorrerà alla diplomazia solo quando vedrà che non può ottenere nulla con la forza. Questo è il piano. Questo è esattamente ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno


di Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. bumdaysg on

    Just an aside, what a remarkable improvement in his spoken English

  2. Luv2022Understanding on

    His conversational English has always been good but now there’s a marked improvement in his speeches. He may have had difficulty reading them before due to worsening eyesight.

  3. DormantSpector61 on

    Give them everything they need to eject Putin from their territory.

  4. ScottyMac75 on

    They need more support to fight Russia. Too much Ukrainian blood is being spilled; too many lives are being lost. Give them the proper resources to defend their freedom and end the imperialistic aims of Putin now.

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