Grazie. L’ho trovato in alcuni bar della città.

di Lost_Programmer8936


  1. reatartedmuch on

    Spaarkas. It’s not common anymore, but regulars could save up in their bar, which they gained interest on. I guess it was mostly done when the interest rates were still somewhat viable.

    Some just keep it because it adds to the “bruin café” vibe

  2. Express_Selection345 on

    It dates back to the times when wages were paid out in a café every Friday. Same café was usually owned by the factory director. Workers didn’t have bank accounts so this was the closest thing. It was a way of the factory owner showing how civilised things were, and to clear his conscience. Apart from pushing workers to drink and that way taking back their hard earned money, before they could take their money home to the wife and 7 kids, that lived in a rented house in a citée, also owned by the director. If this “spaarkas” could talk …

  3. SeriesProfessional43 on

    That would be called a “spaarkas” regulars of the cafe had the option to join ,they would get a number and periodically put in some money, both the owner of the cafe and the person would write down what was put into the spaarkas. Depending on what was decided the saved money would be used for a lavish party with all the participants or it would be taken to the bank and at the end of the year the saved money could be payed out with interest or kept . It is the old method or adult method of saving comparable with the kangaroo account or “schoolsparen”. It can still be done but it’s becoming increasingly rare, I know that in some archery clubs on the vertical pole there is something like this, profits from the archery games are used for a feast

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