Un post per avviare un’indagine immediata sul materiale elettorale trovato nel cestino


di PoppedCork


  1. Super efficient to be fair. Straight to the place we’d all be putting them.

  2. Driveby_Dogboy on

    Fair play in showing some initiative, cut out the middle man…

  3. SugarInvestigator on

    The government needs to give a household “recycle election shite” tax credit to cover teh cost of us recycling their shite

  4. Limp-Chapter-5288 on

    Honestly they need to just stop with these and go digital.

    I came home to 6 of the same Ruth coppinger leaflets in my porch last night.

  5. no_fucking_point on

    In fairness it’s cuntish as hell of the election running over one of the busiest periods of the year for the posties.
    Our local guys van was absolutely wedged with Amazon stuff the other day combined with the pile of shite from the election.

  6. payne1607 on

    Sure it’s all junk mail, if my postman dumps it for me he Will be doing me a favour

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