Macron si è recato in Argentina per far visita a Javier Milei prima di recarsi in Brasile per il G20

di Puzzled-Tap8042


  1. IWillDevourYourToes on

    I’m sorry, but I can’t stand Milei’s weird ass facial hair chops

    Edit: Wait, what? You actually like it? Wtf

  2. Red_Beard6969 on

    Ahh yes, the G20. Group of countries gathered around to do what G7 tells them to.

  3. chriswello on

    A golden iphone case can tell a lot about your personality

  4. kurwalover on

    macron never hesitates to show how shitty person is he. As if what the u.s. has done in last 2 years was not enough against the eu values, he is still trying to suck this kind of people. Go on mr macron visit also trump and suck him.

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